4 Things That Should Be Labeled at Your Worksite

4 Things That Should Be Labeled at Your Worksite

When your worksite is dangerous, it subjects you to many different risks. Aside from the jeopardy in which your workers’ lives are placed, there may also be a legal risk for your business. Some of this danger can be averted if you properly label the things at your worksite that can potentially be harmful.


Pipes are something that can cause major damage if handled the wrong way. Given that they carry water as well as other possibly hazardous substances, all it takes is one mistake and you could be facing a world of legal liability. Safety Blog News explains, “if a worker bursts a water pipe, that water could cause damage to areas beyond your worksite. In addition, depending on what is in the pipe, it can injure your workers too. Workers should know exactly what is in each pipe so they know where they need to exercise extra caution. This is done through marking the pipes and keeping a schematic of where the pipes are when they are hidden behind walls.”

Color Code Wires

Electrical wiring can be extremely dangerous for obvious reasons. Worksite fires are a leading cause of death and injury on the job. Therefore, it is a good idea to color code the electrical wires. According to Creative Safety Supply, “placing warning signs anywhere that someone might interact with electrical wires, especially high-voltage wires, is another good idea for improving overall safety. These signs can serve as a good reminder to those in the area that there are dangerous wires present. There are many signs that can be used depending on the specific situation.”


Chemicals have the capability to cause severe damage to your employees as well as surrounding areas. Workers need to know where chemicals may possibly be stored in order to avoid coming into contact with them or releasing them into the surrounding area. Cabinets that keep chemicals should have the proper labeling on the outside and access to all the required Hazmat information in easy access. Many keep this information on a binder that is attached to the outside of the cabinet with a cable. Beyond sparing yourself from liability, there are OSHA rules that require you to ensure that chemicals are clearly marked. According to Safety Info, “employees have a right to know what chemicals they are around when they are on the job. They should also be informed on the proper storage and usage of the chemicals they work around. If chemicals are not properly labeled, you can face fines from OSHA.”

Steep Drops

Falls are one of the leading causes of injuries on a worksite. Workers may not have the best visibility on the job site and that can lead to a dangerous fall. If there is an area where workers may not have the best footing or there is a drop that is near them, it should be clearly marked and labeled. In addition, oily surfaces should be marked to alert your workers. When possible, grating or other anti-slip flooring can help to avoid accidents. Finally, any kind of hole or opening that workers could fall into should be clearly labeled in order to let workers know of the opening.

Worksite safety should be a serious concern on any job. You can never take too many precautions in order to help keep your workers out of harm’s way. By clearly marking and labeling items and chemicals that can cause a potential danger, you take a sizable first step towards protecting your workers.

If you’re looking for construction management and work that you can rely on, then keep Pride One in mind. We have construction services for the commercial, hotel, health care, industrial, and apartment industry. Get in contact with us for your next big construction project!

Essential Features that Your Construction Project Management Software Should Have

Essential Features that Your Construction Project Management Software Should Have

No matter what sort of structure your construction company is building, organization brings a higher level of efficiency. By keeping your operations meticulously streamlined, many problems can be avoided. One of the best ways to accomplish this is through the use of a software management program that tracks all relevant data, allowing managers to make informed decisions that benefit the company. However, not all software is created equal. Here are a few of the things to look for when making your choice.

Project Scheduling and Estimating

Any good program should have a scheduling page that keeps close track of all jobs to be done and when they are to be done. Without this, it is much harder for the management staff to get a clear sense of the roles that each worker will play. As for estimation, this is equally important if you wish to prevent cost overruns.

Document Management

There are a lot of documents involved in a construction project. There are permits, work orders, supply lists, and a whole lot more. Before computers came along, this required specific people to manage files and folders. Now, it can be automated. With so many documents to keep track of, you really can’t afford not to have this feature.

Many of the documents you need are filed with the American Institute Of Architects. As such, it is imperative for documentation and forms to be accurate; otherwise, if they are completed incorrectly, forms will be rejected. AIA software ensures that form submission goes smoothly and documents are filled out properly, so make sure that your program is AIA-compliant.

Automatic Reminders

No one can remember everything at all times. Even the most professional of managers can still benefit from a system that keeps them informed of all relevant deadlines. Many programs will include a calendar program with the option to set various reminders.

Integration with Existing Software

Thanks to the internet, very few computer systems are isolated from one another. Thus, it is essential that your management software does not cause any conflicts with the software used by others. For instance, if one of your employees takes their work home, they should be able to use the program on their home computers with no problem. For this reason, it is good to try and find a program that offers Windows, Mac, and Linux versions.

Good Customer Support

In a piece of complex software that is designed to do many things at once, there is little doubt that customer support will be needed to some extent. Make sure that the company you buy your software from has a good record for customer service and a helpful attitude when contacted. You may even consider faking a problem just so that you can gauge the service of the company. It may sound shady, but it does no harm and also helps to let you know what kind of service to expect. You should also research the company’s history of defect removal.

Make sure you look for all these qualities when shopping around for your construction management software program. Each of them is essential if you are to get the maximum benefit for your money.

If you need help, guidance, or are looking for full service construction management, then Pride One Construction is there for you.