Holiday Inn Express – Brook Park

Client: Holiday Inn Express
Location: Brook Park, Ohio
Size: 16,000 sq. ft.

Project Information

Addition and renovation to an existing Holiday Inn Express in Brook Park, Ohio. Project consisted of demolition of existing roof and construction of new 3rd floor, while the hotel remained in operation for the duration of the project. The new floor includes 22 new guest rooms, a guest lounge and business center, private offices and new public restrooms. A new elevator was added with renovation to the pool, first floor lobby, reception desk and breakfast areas. This 4 phase project was completed in March of 2013 with construction duration of 10 months. The project improves the hotel options for the Cleveland Airport and now provides shuttle services to and from the airport for patrons to safely park their vehicle during travel at no additional cost.

Phone: 330-239-6100
387 Medina Road, Suite #600
Medina, Ohio 44256

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